Matthijs Johannes Hollanders

Landscape architecture can be used to bind fragments together and add a human scale. This would result in a healthy, functioning and understandable environment. A landscape should have a spatial quality in which variety is key to spatial experiences. To me, quality means that function and aesthetics go hand in hand and a balance is found between logic and adventure. Details are most important, because that is what responds to our senses. Size, shape, texture, colour, sound and smell all influence how we feel and how we experience our surroundings.

Over time, cities grew larger and lost their connection with the natural landscapes and their processes. The urban environment is the habitat for many people and therefore an important one to keep healthy. In order to do so, we should invite more natural elements back into our urban landscape. The well-being of both other species and us improves when we share our habitat together. To achieve this, close cooperation is needed between different disciplines, because natural systems will not work properly if they consist of fragments.

In my work for De Urbanisten, I strive for nature sensitive environments in which ecology supports the needs of modern citizens.


Fotootje stage
Growing ideas
Fotootje stage

Matthijs Johannes Hollanders

Landscape architecture can be used to bind fragments together and add a human scale. This would result in a healthy, functioning and understandable environment. A landscape should have a spatial quality in which variety is key to spatial experiences. To me, quality means that function and aesthetics go hand in hand and a balance is found between logic and adventure. Details are most important, because that is what responds to our senses. Size, shape, texture, colour, sound and smell all influence how we feel and experience our surroundings.

Over time, cities grew larger and lost their connection with the natural landscapes and their processes. The urban environment is the habitat for many people and therefore an important one to keep healthy. In order to do so, we should invite more natural elements back into our urban landscape. The well-being of both other species and us improves when we share our habitat together. To achieve this, close cooperation is needed between different disciplines, because natural systems will not work properly if they consist of fragments.

I strive for nature inclusive urban environments in which ecology supports the needs of modern citizens.


Growing ideas